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Salt Explained

Salt Explained

Salt Explained Big crystals of pink Himalayan salt in wooden scoop

How Salt Affects Your Body, Fitness and Workout Results

Salt is essential for life, and makes all food worth eating. But have you ever wondered just what salt is and why you need it? Most people who have craved a pack of chips or junk food knows that salt cravings can drive you mad.

This article will briefly explain why you need salt in your life, and what it can do for you as a basic life essential, and how you can keep you muscles hydrated after workouts.

Your muscles will not grow bigger from salt, but the right salt balance will help your body to keep the water which is up to 79% of your muscle mass. Many bodybuilders and fitness athletes use the right salt balance so they show the workout results better from making sure that their muscles have enough water to make an impression from all the hours in the gym.

What is Salt?

Salt is made up of sodium chloride, and has been used as a way to preserve food for thousands of years. Table salt contains about 40% sodium and 60% chloride and can make almost anything taste amazing.

Salt is so important that wars have been fought over it.

Every year, we produce nearly two hundred million tons of salt and use it in everything from manufacturing to junk food.

Why Do Your Body Need Salt?

The human body can’t survive without salt because it contains an essential electrolyte that lets our bodies hold onto water so that we can live.

Your nerves and cells need sodium so that they can do their job because it’s an essential osmotic solute that helps your body move things at a cellular level.

As sodium builds in our bodies, the body is forced to hold onto more water so it can retain the sodium. This increases the amount of blood in our bodies and fluid in our cells.

How Much Salt You Need?

The average adult only needs 6 grams of salt per day, which translates into a single teaspoon of salt. Most people eat way more salt than they need to in the form of processed foods. But they would be better off tossing the junk food and consuming natural salts instead. Read more about “Sodium in Your Diet” written by the FDA.

In the past, humans used to eat way more potassium than they did sodium. This allowed them to steer clear of health problems like high blood pressure. The ideal ratio of sodium to potassium is 1:3, which means you should consume thrice as much potassium as you do salt, every single day.

Where Does Salt Come From?

Salt is collected from underground mines, where miners excavate rock and break it to reveal chunks of salt. Learn more about salt here.

Salt is also extracted from seawater. Since salt is plentiful in the ocean, sea water is collected and evaporated to leave behind the salty residue you call table salt. This residue is then packaged and sold to billions across the world.

What is The Main Benefit of Salt?

Salt keeps our body hydrated and allows us to have a blood pressure.

All your tissues and organs need salt to function at a cellular level. Water is essential for life, and salt helps our bodies hold onto water. Too little salt, and we don’t have enough blood pressure to survive. Too much salt, and we have too much blood pressure to remain comfortable.

Salt and Exercise: Why Salt Is An Essential Part of Your Workout with Joey Thurman
Courtesy of Joey Thurman

Learn more about Salt / Sodium from this article:

Sodium in Your Diet – by FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)

Can Eating More Salt Supercharge Your Workouts? – by Men’s Journal

Ask the doctor: Exercise and sodium – by Harvard Health Publishing

How Much Salt Do You Need While Training and Racing? by Triathlete

8 Things Bodybuilders Need to Know About Sodium – by Muscle & Fitness

Avoiding Salt? Make It Part Of Your Nutrition Plan! by

How Much Sodium Should You Have per Day? by Healthline

Salt Explained – by Wikipedia

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