Vitamins Explained

Martín Lozano brings a wealth of experience in fitness journalism…
Nutrition Explained – How Vitamins Affects Your Body & Fitness
Vitamins are basically organic compounds, which are required in small quantities for human bodies. Vitamins should primarily be obtained from what you eat, as a human body either produces little of them or does not produce these organic compounds at all.
Every organism has its unique vitamin requirements. Dogs, for example, can produce vitamin C on their own. On the other hand, human beings have to obtain vitamin C from what they eat. Each vitamin plays a distinct function in the body. Also, a human being needs a distinct amount of all vitamins for staying healthy.
As vitamins are organic compounds, they contain carbon. A vitamin is also a necessary nutrient, which the body may have to obtain from food.
Essential vitamins a human being needs
There are 13 recognized vitamins as of date. These are as follows:
· Vitamin A
· Vitamin C
· Vitamin D
· Vitamin E
· Vitamin K
· Vitamin B1
· Vitamin B2
· Vitamin B3
· Vitamin B5
· Vitamin B6
· Vitamin B7
· Vitamin B9
· Vitamin B12
Did you know that vitamins A, K, E, and D are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that these are stored in the fatty tissues of a human body? However, the other 9 vitamins are water-soluble. Therefore, these should be regularly replenished as the body removes them through your urine.
Why are vitamins needed?
Vitamins are needed in adequate quantity so that you can enjoy an effective performance in the gym. Intakes of vitamins also help to build muscles. However, a majority of these vitamins are required in small proportions and can be easily procured when one has a balanced diet.
1. Vitamin A
It has a crucial role to play in cell development and growth. Vitamin A also promotes healthy gums, nails, hair, skin, teeth, bones, and glands. It can prevent lung cancer and night blindness. Cold-water fish such as salmon, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products are good sources of vitamin A.
2. Vitamin D
It is a vitamin, which functions with other minerals for promoting healthy muscles. Its deficiency can lead to poor performances of athletes. Although vitamin D is present in some food items, human bodies can generate sufficient vitamin D from sunshine. So, you should not only consume foods, which are rich in vitamin D but also expose yourself to sunshine for some time.
3. Vitamin E
This vitamin helps in maintaining red blood cells and muscles and protects fatty acids. Some rich sources of this vitamin are fortified cereals, seeds, nuts, mayonnaise, margarine, vegetable oils, and eggs.
Thus, vitamins are regarded as essential nutrients along with minerals. They act together to perform an array of important roles in the human body. They can heal wounds, improve the immune system, and shore up bones. They can also repair cellular damage and convert consumed food into energy.
Vitamins & Minerals at Walmart – What to Get and AVOID

Martín Lozano brings a wealth of experience in fitness journalism and a passion for promoting healthier lifestyles for men. With a commitment to providing objective and informative content, Lozano established FitnessLife Kings as a leading resource in the fitness industry. His dedication to empowering individuals on their wellness journey is evident in the magazine's focus on inspiring stories and expert insights. Lozano's vision for a supportive community resonates through FitnessLife Kings, shaping it into a go-to destination for men seeking a more active and balanced lifestyle.